We're staying on the west coast of Ireland. (present continuous)
Have you ever been here? (present perfect, wydarzenie z życia, nie okreslony czas)
It's beautiful! (present simple)
Last week we visited Bunratty Castle. (past simple, określony czas)
Unfortunately, the weather hasn't been very good. (present perfect)
While we were driving to a waterfall, it started raining, (past continuous, czynność trwająca jakiś czas; past simple - czynność krótsza)
and it didn't stop all day. (past simple)
The food is delicious! (present simple)
I have just eaten some fresh fish. (present perfect, dopiero co zjedliśmy)
I haven't taken many photos yet. (present perfect, zacząłem robić zdjęcia, ale jeszcze nie zrobiłem zbyt wiele)