Uzupelni luki w zdaniach wyrazami z ramki. Dwa wyrazy podano dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
at beat coach draw for in en lost practice rinks sport spectators team
Przyklad: Put your cap on before swimming here.
* I'm going for
2 I'm really bad.
3 Greg goes to football Practice three times a week.
a run. Will you join me?
4 Our karate
told us to be systematic.
s The Beatte had a great time watching their team in action.
6 The fans were sad because their team had
the match.
7 The match ended in a
& Their team is good, and they can easily.
9 Are there any skating.
10 You're good, so take part.
It was 1:1.
where you live?
Manchester United.
this competition.