hej hej jest ktos w stanie szybko to zrobić? daje naj
12. Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań (A-F). Dopasuj je do właściwych luk (1-5), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo.
A For instance, she wore a ring to the inauguration that contained the image of a bird in a cage.
B Clearly this had required enormous courage on her part.
C It was once a struggle for Gorman to pronounce the letter r, putting pressure on her whenever she wanted to speak in public.
D She was well aware that she would soon be reading it at the same spot where these events were taking place.
E Indeed, Gorman's talent had been already recognized by people in the know some time before.
F That afternoon, the whole country was watching, and suddenly her name was on everybody's lips.