Read the theory. Look at the underlined verbs in the text on p. 14 and answer the questions used to- would We use used to to talk about past habits or states that are no longer true. I used to ride a motorcycle, but now I drive a car. We use the past simple instead of used to with no difference in meaning to talk about past habits or states. Lucas used to live in Bath when he was younger./Lucas lived in Bath when he was younger We use would to talk about past habits. As a child, would/used to spend my holidays by the sea We do not use would to talk about states. Sally didn't use to feel tired in the morning (NOT Sally wouldn't feel tired in the morning.) 1 Which underlined verb is talking about a past state? a past habit? 2 Can we replace used to with would in 'used to be? Why/Why not? 3 Can we replace would with used to in 'would meet'?