2. Znajdź i popraw błąd w poniższych zdaniach. Uwaga, dwa zdania są prawidłowe i nie zawierają żadnego błędu.

1 When the police will get at the bank, the thieves won't be there anymore, think.

2 When you start your first job, you understand the value of money.

3 As soon as the taxi will arrive, we will send you a text message.

4 Fasten your seatbelts as soon as the red light will flash.

5 I won't help you with the maths homework unless you lend me the purple shoes.

6 I'm sure she will be furious with them when she will find out about the broken vase.

7 Please wait in the corridor until the doctor asks you to come in.

8. Once she will open the envelope, the exam results will be made public.​

Odpowiedź :


1 When the police get at the bank, the thieves won't be there anymore, think.

2 When you start your first job, you will understand the value of money.

3 As soon as the taxi arrive, we will send you a text message.

4 Fasten your seatbelts as soon as the red light flash.

5 I won't help you with the maths homework unless you lend me the purple shoes. prawidłowe

6 I'm sure she will be furious with them when she finds out about the broken vase.

7 Please wait in the corridor until the doctor asks you to come in.prawidłowe

8. Once she opens the envelope, the exam results will be made public.​


Zdania czasowe

Słowa, miedzy innymi takie jak :

- when (kiedy) ,

- as soon as (jak tylko),

- once(kiedy już)

wprowadzają zdania podrzędne, czyli wymagają stosowania czasu teraźniejszego prostego (PRESENT SIMPLE). W drugiej części zdania , gdzie mówimy o przyszłości, używamy WILL ( FUTURE SIMPLE)