Odpowiedź :
1. My interest in alternative medicine began when I learned relaxing techniques to help overcome stress.
RELAX - relaksować się
relaxing techniques - techniki relaksacyjne
2. We are looking for new volunteers to help us raise money for the animal
VOLUNTARY - wolontariat
volunteers - wolontariusze
3. Many people prefer to eat food which has not been sprayed with pesticides although using such chemicals can increase food production.
PEST - szkodnik
pesticides - pestycydy ( środki ochrony roślin- chemiczne)
4. The government was attacked for its disastrous involvement in the arms export scandal.
INVOLVE - zaangażować się
involvement - uwikłanie
5. There are no reliable figures as to how many children are being educated at home.
RELY - polegać
reliable figures- wiarygodne liczby
6. This dance group has made several appearances on TV.
APPEAR- pojawiać się
appearances - występy
7. I sometimes find it difficult to distinguish Spanish from Portuguese.
DISTINCT - odrębny, różny
distinguish - odróżnić
8. Why is it that we all have a tendency to idealise the past and to be so critical of the present?
TEND - mieć skłonności
tendency - tendencja
9. For instructions on how to install this machinery please refer to the procedure described on page 28 of this manual.
PROCEED - postępować
refer to the procedure- zapoznać się z procedurą
10. The customs official was accused of bribery and corruption.
BRIBE - przekupić
bribery - łapówkarstwo