(4) Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania, Wpisz w każdą lukę (1-4) literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. Saturday Work ob? I live with my mum, dad, and sister, Josie, in Wales. vang neop My parents are farmers, and my sister and I usually help on the farm on Saturdays. In the afternoon, we I have to look after the horses. I like working on the farm and helping with the animals, but it's hard work! Next They're Saturday, I'm not working on the farm. 2 doing up their house at the moment and I'm going to help them. In the morning, we're painting the living room. Then, in the afternoon, we're going to Cardiff. e 3. 1 3 Then they're buying some new things at a big furniture shop. They're getting a wardrobe and some new blinds for their kitchen. I don't mind helping my aunt and uncle. 4 I think their house is going to look amazing. Mega Furnit Big Bargain This weeke sefes at ju refore 11.2 can get a cushions A They're really funny and we always have a good time together. B I'm visiting my aunt and uncle in Cardiff. C I don't have to put up the blinds. D In the morning, I have to feed the chickens and Josie has to milk the cows. E They want to sell some of their old furniture at a garage sale.