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Mo Park loves collecting things. He is fascinated by old things. He often goes to antique sales
to buy old pottery, silver and boxes. He is fascinated by old things, so when he was online one
evening and saw an old metal film container for sale, he had to buy it. He was attracted by the
film container because it looked so old and interesting. The price was at £3, so he typed £3.20
and won the auction. When it was delivered by post a couple of days later he had forgotten all
about it. When he did eventually open it, the container was indeed as knocked around as it had
looked in the photograph. Mo was pretty sure that whoever had sold it to him did not know
anything about the film within it.
When Mo took the film out and held it up to light he could see a familiar figure. It was the
famous actor, Charlie Chaplin. About two weeks later, Mo and some friends watched the whole
film. To do this Mo had to find someone with a specialized machine to show it on. As they
watched they all got a shock. The film was called Zepped but none of the audience had ever
heard of it.
Mo decided to find out all he could about it. He looked online but there was nothing. He read
biographies of Chaplin but there was no mention of the film. He even contacted the British Film
Institute but with no success. Then he got lucky. On research trip to the British Library’s
newspaper archive he discovered a reference to the film. He found a poster and an article that
explained that Zepped was released in England in 1916. It was a short comedy shown to British
soldiers during the First World War but it had disappeared after that.
A good friend of Mo’s became just as interested in the film as Mo. Together they went to
Hollywood and Chaplin’s old film studios to find out more. To do this, Mo put other people in
charge of running his company so that he could work on the film full time. What Mo discovered
was that Zepped was one of a kind. No other film made at that time used the technique of mixing
live action with cartoon animation. That did not happen until sixty years later, in Mary Poppins.
Mo has been told that the film, at just seven and a half minutes long, could be worth more than a million pounds. But then who knows? He might sell it or he might keep it. It is not the money
that excites Mo; it is the fact that he found such a treasure in such an everyday place.
1. Mo Park won the Internet auction
A. because he offered much more than the original price.
B. although many people wanted to buy the container.
C. because the price was too low.
D. because no one offered more than £ 3.20.
2. Mo Park
A. was very keen to open the parcel.
B. went to the post office to collect the parcel.
C. opened it only after some time.
D. knocked the container around.
3. The person who sold the container
A. had no idea what was inside.
B. did not like the container.
C. wanted to get rid of the film.
D. damaged the container.
4. Mo Park recognised Charlie Chaplin
A. because he had special equipment.
B. when he was watching the film with his friends.