ĆWICZENIE 7 Znajdź i popraw błędy w poniższych zdani 1. Were you sit around a bonfire yesterday at 9? 2. Jack and his classmates was decorating the ballroom from 3. My dog sleeping all night. 4. Joanna was doing the dishes when she drop a plate. 5. We weren't climb this mountain for many hours yesterday 6. William were playing the guitar yesterday at 7. 7. Margaret was chating with Tom all evening. 8. Peter were smoking cigarettes from 2009 to 2012. 9. Was the students discussing politics for 40 minutes? 10. Why were everybody cleaning the streets yesterday from 11. He was having a shower while his wife fell asleep. 12. She was lying to us all the time? 13. Diane and Philip was flying to Liverpool yesterday at no