Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (8.1.-8.4.) litere, k
Zadanie 8. (0-4)
oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A-E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
In the past people used to travel only on foot or on horseback. 8.1.
Nowadays, we cannot imagine our lives without cars, buses or planes. It's very fast and
easy to travel around the world and we can visit a number of places in a very short
period of time. The question is what's going to be next. Will we have new means of
Elon Musk is still working on an invention
which will revolutionise travelling and make it possible to live in Poland and commute
What is it? It is a kind of a tube
transport? 8.2.
to France in a few minutes. 8.3.
which will surely change the way we live and perceive the world. If SpaceX manages
to make Hyperloop our new reality, we'll forget about planes, coaches or even ges
.... Time will show!
A. It's called Hyperloop.
B. It's a revolutionary tube.
C. New, interesting projects are created all the time.
D. Do you believe it may happen soon?
E. It used to take a long time to get from one place to another.