
Na teraz daje naj
Zapytaj o podkreślony fragment zdania. Nie należy zmieniać podmiotu zdania.

1. I'm baking a
[tex]an \: apple \: pie[/tex]
2. My aunt Betty is leaving
3. Dave is playing
[tex]the \: piano[/tex]
right now.

are having breakfast.

5. Uncle Ben is arriving
[tex]on \: friday[/tex]

6. He is
[tex]having \: a \: shower[/tex]
at the moment.

7. The man is buying flower
[tex]for \: his \: wife[/tex]
8. The girls are waiting
[tex]for \: the \: bus[/tex]

9. Little Tim is watching
[tex]the \: birds[/tex]
10. Jane is
[tex]riding \: a \: bike[/tex]
11. The dog is taking food from
[tex]the \: table[/tex]
12. We are taking a break
[tex]because \: we \: re \: tired[/tex]
13. My friends are relacing
[tex]in \: the \: garden[/tex]
14. I am writing a letter to
[tex]a \: friend[/tex]
15. Susan is
[tex]having \: a \: bath[/tex]at the moment.

16. The students are looking for
[tex]professor \: brown[/tex]
17. Kate's sister is helping me with
18. I am listening to
[tex]the \: radio[/tex]
19. The girls is Look at
[tex]the \: horses[/tex]

20. The children are laughing at
[tex]the \: clown[/tex]