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4.1.TRAIN TRAVEL IN BRITAIN Trains in Britain are quick, comfortable and safe. There
are a lot of trains on the main routes, especially to and from London. Unfortunately, tickets can be
expensive and, in bad weather, trains are often late or don't run at all. Finally, trains to London in
the morning are very crowded because of people going to work. 4.2. There are many websites
which show timetables and sell tickets. It is worth looking at more than one as prices are often
different. You can also ask about train times and prices at stations, where you can also find free
timetables and maps. However, at smaller stations, ticket offices often have very limited opening hours. 4.3. Buying tickets in advance is much cheaper than buying them on the day of travel. Trains to London are cheaper if they arrive after 10 a.m. and a day return is about the same price as a single ticket. Family tickets are also a bargain as children often only pay £1 for any length of journey. 4.4. There are a number of different train companies in Britain. Make sure you can use your ticket on the train you catch or you will have to pay again when the guard checks. Also, if the ticket office is closed, you have to buy a ticket from a machine and they don't always offer the best prices.
A Finding information
B Staying safe
C Possible extra costs
D Journey times
E Advantages and disadvantages
F Special offers​