Hejka ogółem czy ktoś by mi pomógł z zaproszeniem (po angielsku) na kółko śpiewania

Z góry wielkie dzięki <33

Odpowiedź :



Dear friends,

I would like to invite you to join me in a singing circle next Saturday at 7 PM at the park by the lake.

Singing circles are a wonderful way to connect with others through the power of music. Whether you are a seasoned performer or just love to sing for fun, all are welcome to join.

We will start by introducing ourselves and sharing a song or two that is special to us. Then, we will take turns leading the group in singing a variety of songs, ranging from folk songs to modern pop hits.

No experience is necessary, and all voices are welcome. Just bring your enthusiasm and a willingness to have fun!

I hope you can join us.


[Twoje imie]
