Zadanie 5. (0-4) ZADANIE OTWARTE Przeczytaj tekst, Odpowiedz na pytania 5.1.-5.4. zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując swoje odpowiedzi w luki. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. - Dear Students, For this year's Earth Day I would like to propose a #zerowaste challenge. It's for all of you willing to help the planet. It is about understanding how to avoid creating waste in a number of ways. Here is how it works. Below there is a list of activities you can do to earn points. You have 10 weeks to do as much as you can. Document your actions with photos, please. The best score wins, and the prize is an environmentally-friendly surprise! Please let me know via e-mail if you are interested in entering. Each of these is worth 10 points. •3 things you didn't take although you were offered them •2 second-hand things you got or bought •2 things you gave away because you don't use/need them any more •2 things you used again instead of throwing them away •1 habit you broke (no plastic shopping bags / no more straws/using a water bottle) For more information, please read the leaflet on the Nature Club noticeboard. Regards, Mrs. Green Nature Club Coordinator 5.1. Who is the challenge for? 5.2. What should you do to enter the challenge? 5.3. What will be the proof of your activities? 5.4. How many points win the prize?