It's Christmas Eve. Everyone is happy and excited_(1). Everyone, but no Scrooge. mong... He hates Christmas, because all he cares about is (2). He's a wealthy man, but doesn't want to help other people. - Merry Christmas, uncle Scrooge!!" - yells a happy voice. It's Fred - Scrooge's nephew. I'm here to Vite (3) you to Christmas dinner" - ,,No! I won't come - Christmas is nonsense!!" - Scrooge says every year... It's evening and Scrooge is ready to go to bed. Suddenly he sees something strange. It's a goast (4)!! I'm The Ghost of Past Christmas. I have something to show you" - he says. The ghost takes Scrooge into the past. Now, Scrooge can see himself: a young man who celebrates Christmas and get married) in a Christmas party. There he is again the same young man talking to a pretty girl:, I'm so sorry" - she says, but you love money more than you love me. We can't (6).". The girl cries and looks devastated. Suddenly, another ghost appears. This time it's The Ghost of Present Christmas, He and Scrooge see happy families____ _____(7) Christmas. They visit the house of Scrooge's __(8), Fred. They can hear him saying:, Listen to my joke. What's this? It's an animal, big and wild and lives in ___ (9), but not in the zoo. It sometimes talks, but mostly makes ____ __(10)". - Oh, no!! - thinks Scrooge - it's me! Nobody likes me, nobody cares about me, I'm an unhappy, lonely man" 11 1 Again in comes another ghost. - You must be the Ghost of (11) Christmas", says Scrooge,, Show me my future". But why are they suddenly in the ____(12)? There is one grave there with no flowers or candles. Nobody (13) it. But what does it say? It says:, Scrooge"!! Suddenly Scrooge wakes up. He runs to the window and looks out. It's ___(14). - ,,it's not too late to change everything", he says,, I have another chance, I can be a better man now that I know that people are more (15) than money. Thank you, Ghosts!!!" Missing words: