Mam proźbę: Potrzebuje jeszcze jednego innego opisu dnia tez w czasie present simple ale dla kolezanki. na poziomie klasy 1 gimnazjum.

Odpowiedź :

I wake up every morning around 7 o'clock.
I eat breakfast and pack my stuff for school. I take a bus at 7:45.
I start my first class at 8am. Usually I have 6-7 classes each day.
After school I go home and do my homework. Around 4pm my mom comes from work and makes a dinner. Sometimes, when I don't have a lot of homework I help her. At 6pm I have Art class, I really enjoy it! Art is my great passion! I finish Art class at 7pm, then I come back home to eat supper and relax. I usually watch TV with my parents and siblings or chat with my firends.
In the evening I take a shower. I go to bed around 10pm. :)