
Mam napisac notkę biograficzną o Williamie Shekspear'ze (?)
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William Shakespeare – angielski poeta, dramaturg, aktor. Powszechnie uważany za jednego z najwybitniejszych pisarzy literatury angielskiej oraz reformatorów teatru.
Napisał około 40 sztuk, 154 sonety, a także wiele utworów innych gatunków. Mimo że cieszył się popularnością już za życia, jego sława rosła głównie po jego śmierci, dopiero wtedy został zauważony przez prominentne osobistość. Uważa się go za poetę narodowego Anglii. Sztuki Szekspira zostały przetłumaczone na wszystkie najważniejsze języki nowożytne (pierwszego polskiego przekładu dokonano w 1839 roku), inscenizacje mają miejsce na całym globie. Co więcej, jest najczęściej cytowanym pisarzem w anglojęzycznym świecie. Wiele jego neologizmów weszło do codziennego użycia. Lista słów, które wprowadził do języka angielskiego, liczy około 600 pozycji.

William Shakespeare - English poet, playwright and actor. Widely regarded as one of the greatest writers of English literature, theater, and reformers.
He wrote some 40 plays, 154 sonnets, as well as many works of other species. Although it enjoyed a popularity during his lifetime, his fame grew mostly after his death, only then was spotted by a prominent personage. Considered to be the national poet of England. Shakespeare has been translated into all the major modern languages (the first Polish translation was made in 1839), productions are taking place around the globe. Moreover, it is the most frequently quoted writer in the English-speaking world. Many of his coinages came into everyday use. List of words that entered the English language, has about 600 items.
William Shakespeare was born in April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, in the centre of England. He went to school in Stratford and he probably became a teacher. In 1582, finally he was 18, he married Anne Hathaway and they soon had three children. In the late 1580s, he decided to leave Stratford and try to find work in London. In this time, there were several theatres in the city - the first public theatre opened in London in 1567.Between 1589 and 1600 , Shakespeare wrote about 20 plays including A Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet.
His plays were extremely popular and there were even special performances for Queen Elizabeth I ! Sheakspeare's succes continued into the soon century , when he wrote some of his most famous tragedies, including Hamlet and Othello. In all. he wrote 37 plays, and he also wrote many beautiful poems.