
Matura Solutions , pre-intermedia. czerwona ksiażka. zeszyt cwiczeń ;]

CHALLENGE strona 8 , pomocy!!!

Write a short paragraphy( na 30słów) about a) or b) (piszcie na który wolicie, muszę miec na jeden)

a.)The clothes that you like to wear;
Why do you like them?/Do your friends wear smilar clothes? What do you parents/teacher think of your clothes. ( Lubie chodzic w jeansach i tiszertach...jbc)

b.)The clothes that a gruop of yuang peopel in Poland likes to wear? : Does the group have a name?/Do people junge them from the clothes they wear?/What kind of music do they like? Może byc i na drugie temat chyba prostszy!? błagam o pomoc. minium 30słów!

Odpowiedź :

I like wear my jeans and T-shirts. I love them becouse i feel in this clothes very comfortable. My friends wear very similar clothes.My best friend have very similar T-shirt, which I have in my home. I like wearing hats,too. My parents like my wearing style.
I really like wear casual clothes. I like wear white T-Shirt and blue jeans. I like loose clothes because I don't like feel unconfortable in my own clothes. My classmate wearing very similar clothes. I like his. My parents little like my wearing style but they accept it.