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My story took place in Warsaw. This beautiful, sunny day in the early morning Mr. Marecki went to work. Wife and children were alone at home. I cooked dinner, posprzątała the children got up. Pm She drove children to school. When she came home a black cat ran her way. Scared at the last moment before impeded pedestrian strips, where the old lady passed. She returned home and went to swim to calm down. about half-past five dressed and went to pick up children. When she came home again, the road ran through her black cat, but she thought that here in the area is full of cats, so maybe this cat neighbors. The children went home to watch TV. Worried wife waiting for the return of her husband who should return about an hour ago. Began to be annoyed, but still did not see what to do. So she took the phone and called to her husband but did not answer. Nervously went to his work. But it was closed. Began to call on his colleagues. But they also did not see him. Angry at her husband went to the house. But after the defeat of just tens of meters noticed something that attracted her attention. lying in the bushes to her husband. The whole bloody and unconscious. She wanted to call but forgot the phone. After a while, someone came up to her, and bang. Children began to cry but after a while, and their crying ceased, and silence.

Polski: Moja opowieść miała miejsce w Warszawie. Tego pięknego, słonecznego dnia wczesnym rankiem pan Marecki wybrał się do pracy. Żona wraz z dziećmi została sama w domu. Ugotowała obiad, posprzątała nim dzieci wstały. Po południu zawiozła dzieci do szkoły. Gdy wracała do domu czarny kot przebiegł jej drogę. Wystraszona w ostatniej chwili zahamowała przed pasami dla pieszych, gdzie przechodziła starsza pani. Wróciła do domu i poszła się wykąpać żeby się uspokoić. o wpół do szóstej ubrała się i pojechała odebrać dzieci. Gdy wracała do domu znów drogę przebiegł jej czarny kot, ale ona pomyślała że tu w okolicy jest pełno kotów więc może to kot sąsiadów. W domu dzieci poszły oglądać telewizję. Żona zmartwiona czekała na powrót męża który powinien wrócić około godziny temu. Zaczęła się denerwować, ale nadal nie widziała co robić. Wzięła więc telefon i zadzwoniła do męża ale nie odbierał. Zdenerwowana pojechała do jego pracy. Ale było zamknięte. Zaczęła dzwonić po jego kolegach. Ale oni też go nie widzieli. Wściekła na męża pojechała do domu. Ale po pokonaniu zaledwie kilkudziesięciu metrów zauważyła coś co przykuło jej uwagę. w krzakach leżał jej mąż. Cały zakrwawiony i nieprzytomny. Chciała zadzwonić ale zapomniała telefonu. Po chwili ktoś do niej podszedł i trach. Dzieci zaczęły płakać ale po chwili i ich płacz umilkł i nastała cisza.
The story took place last summer when I was on holiday in Budapest. I went there with two friends: Lucy and Tom. Although it was a cold and windy day and the sun was setting, we decided to go for a walk. Hardly did we left our hotel, when it started pouring with rain. We began to run to hide ourselves under a roof or something when suddenly we noticed an old house. It looked as if nobody lived there. The windows were broken and the door was slightly open. I pushed the door open and they made a creaky noise which sent shivers down my spine. Inside the house it was very dark and we did not have a torch to see anything. Unfortunately, we did not have a choice as it was raining heavily outside. We entered the house and we found ourselves in a wooden hall full of doors. Suddenly we heard shrieking female voice coming out of one of them. At first we did not know what to do, Tom and Lucy ran outside. I decided to stay and see what was going on. I entered the room where the sound was coming out and I saw a human body lying on the froor. I was terrified and took example from my friends and got out of the haunted house. I called the police but when they arrived there was nothing unusual in the house. Perhaps it was just my imagination.