
Przetłumacz na język Angielski.

1.Ile lat ma twój najlepszy przyjaciel?
2.jaki jest twój nr telefonu?
3.Moim ulubionym sportem jest tenis
4.ulubionym przedmiotem Toma jest Matematyka
5.Moim nie ulubionym przedmiotem niejest plastyka jest informatyka
6.W klasie jest 20 ławek
7.Jaki jest twój kod pocztowy?
8.To jest niebieska temperówka a to jest różowa gumka
9.Ile krzesel jest w tym pokoju?
10.Mamy lekcje w dużej sali
11.Czy tutaj jest tablica?
12.Szkola moze byc nawet na podwórku
13.Jego dom jest na łodzi
14.Czy Bob jest z angli?? Nie o jest z japoni
15.Czy możesz powtórzyc swoje nazwisko??

Odpowiedź :

How old is your best friend?
What's your phone number?
My favourite sport is tennis.
Tom's favourite subject is Maths.
My favourite subject isn't Arts, it is Computer Science.
There are twenty desks in the classroom.
What's your postcode?
This is a blue sharpener and this is a pink rubber.
How many chairs are there in this room?
We have our lessons in a big classroom.
Is there a blackboard here?
School can even be outside.
His house is on a boat.
Is Bob from England? No, he is from Japan.
Can you repeat your surname?

To chyba zdania z click on 1 :)
1. How old are your friend?
2. What's your telephone number?
3. My favourite sport is tennis.
4. Tom's favourite subject is Math.
5. My favourite subject isn't art, it's IT.
6. There is twenty desks in the class.
7. What's your postal code?
8. This is blue pencil sharpener, and this is pink rubber.
9. How many chair are in this room?
10. We've got lesson at large class. [?]
11. Is there blackboard?
12. School can be even on yard.
13. He's house is on a boat.
14. Is Bob from England? No, he's from Japan.
15. Can you repeat your surname?