bardzo proszę o napisanie pocztówki, oto treść polecenia:

jesteś na wycieczce klasowej w Zakopanym, napisz pocztówkę do kolegi z Anglii, napisz gdzie zatrzymaliście się na nocleg (czas Past Simple) opisz pogodę króra jest idealna dla narciarzy (present Continous) napisz gdzie zjedliście wczoraj kolacje ( past simple) i jakie plany macie na jutro ( zdanie z will i going to)

Odpowiedź :

Dear KAte,
Greetings from Zakopane, the heart of polish winter tourism! I'm here on my school trip. Last night we slept in a lovely youth hostel near Krupówki street, the main street of Zakoapne. The weather was perfect for skiing! The sun was shining and it was a bit froty, so I was riding skies all day long! In the afternoon we ate dinner in some nice restaurant, which served traditional dishes from Zakopane. There was the music band, which played highlanders' songs. I had a great time! Tomorrow we will go skiing as well. Later, we'll have free time on Krupówki street, so I'm going to buy some souvenirs for my family and friends.