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- podaj przynajmniej dwie cechy wygladu opisywanej osoby
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- wyraz swoja opinie na temat nowego zwiazku i zapytaj kolege\ kolezanke o zdanie

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Napisz List Do Kolegi Kolezanki Z Irlandii Zeby Opowiedzic O Nowym Chlopaku Dziewcznie Kogos Z Grona Waszych Wspolnych Przyjaciol Podziel Sie Nowina I Powiedz class=

Odpowiedź :

Dear Sophie,

How are you? I miss you so much!

I've got some breaking news for you! Do you remember Klara, our roommate from summer camp? She's got a new boyfriend! Klara told me that they met in the club, when she was looking for a lighter.

He's name is Kali and he is black, however he speaks polish very well, because he lives here for 10 years, and he is totally bold! Moreover I saw that he is very jealous, because when Klara was talking with our friend, Tomek, he stared to yell at Klara and she had to leave the café. It was really strange...

I'm quite happy beause of Klara's new boyfriend, although I don't think they will be together for a long time. What do you think about it? Is it good to be with somebody who you don't know really well?

Write soon, I'm waiting for your letter!
