prosze o poprawe błędów w tym tekście:

my hobby is music. i like to sing and play on guitar. i like too listen to music. all type (<-- chodzi mi o wyrazenie kazdy rodzaj) begin for pop conclusion for reage (<-- a tutaj chodzi mi o co takiego: począwszy od opu skonczywszy na reage). I played on guitar all time and it is my passion, my destiny. even i play on little time (<-- od krotkiego czasu ma byc) but i lived it. in the future i would play on electric guitar and percussion. and i was go to proffesioal lessons of voice. i want take musi seriosly and educate in this work.

Odpowiedź :

My hobby is music. I like to sing and play on guitar. i likelisten to music too. All style (<-- chodzi mi o wyrazenie kazdy rodzaj) begin for pop conclusion for reage (<-- a tutaj chodzi mi o co takiego: począwszy od opu skonczywszy na reage). I played on guitar all time and it is my passion, my destiny. even i play on little time (<-- od krotkiego czasu ma byc) but i lived it. in the future i would play on electric guitar and percussion. and i was going to proffesional lessons of voice. i want take music seriosly and educate in this work.
My hobby is music. I like singing and playing guitar. I also like listening to music in every genre, as from pop by reagge ending. I play guitar all the time, it is my passion and destiny. I play guitar since shorter time, I live this. In the future I would like to play on electric guitar and drums. I'm taking the vocal lessons now. I want to take up music seriously and move in this direction.
My hobby is music. I like sing and play on guitar. I like to listen music too. All kinds starting from pop and ending on reggae. Playing on guitar is my passion, my destiny and I play all the time even though I play newly but I love it. In future I want to play on elektric guitar and percussion and I want go on profesional voice lessons. I want make music a part of my life.