
proszę o pomoc z angielskiego! łatwe!
1. Przepisz tekst, poprawiając zaznaczone błędy.
I`m in Australia! I am wisitid (visitid- błąd) my aunt. She live (live- błąd) next to sea and she have (have-błąd) a lovely house. Yesterday, we goed (goed- błąd) to Sydney. It were (were- błąd) fantastic. We went on a boat in the harbour and eated (eated- błąd) in a resaturant. The food were (were- błąd) great.
See you soon.
2. Przetłumacz:
Ja w wakacje byłam nad morzem. Było wspaniale. Na plaży było dużo ludzi opalających się. Ja też bardzo się opaliłam. Nad mozrem było wiele budek z lodami dla ochłody. Było wspaniale. Świetnie spędziłam czas, mam nadzieję że za rok równiez tam pojadę!

Odpowiedź :

I`m in Australia! I am visited my aunt. She life (live- błąd) next to sea and she has a lovely house. Yesterday, we went to Sydney. It was fantastic. We was going on a boat in the harbour and we was eating in a resaturant. The food was great.
See you soon.
I`m in Australia! I am visitied my aunt. She lives next to sea and she has a lovely house. Yesterday, we go to Sydney. It was fantastic. We went on a boat in the harbour and eatin a resaturant. The food was great.
See you soon.

2.I in holidays was at the sea. It was wonderfully. There were many sunbathing people on the beach. I also very much sunbathed. There were many sheds at the sea with ice-cream for the refreshment. It was wonderfully. Great I spent time, I hope that in a year there I will also go!