
opisz swoj dzień po angielku 6-10 zdań

Odpowiedź :

I stand up at six o 'clock .
I have breakfast.
I'm go to the bus at the seven o ' clock .
I'm study in school.
I'm come back from the school at the three o ' clock
I have dinner.
I'm watch TV.
I do my homework at five o' clock
I play tennis
I have supper at seven o 'clock
I go to bed .

nie wiem czy nie ma błędó ale mam nadzieje ze pomogłam ;D
I get up at six o'clock. I get a shower and I have a breakfast. Then I go to school and i was here to three p.m. About four p.m. I go to learn and I eat lunch. Next I go t I watching TV and play computer games. Near I play football with friends. Afther two hours I come back to house, I eat supper. I Finally I wash and go to bed.