Musze przetłumaczyć na język angielski zdania napisane poniżej:

dowiedz się :
1. O której godzinie wstajesz?
2. Gdzie mieszkasz?
3. Jak często chodzisz do kina?
4. Kim jest twoja mama?
5. Gdzie mieszka twoja babcia?
6. Ile kosztuje podręcznik do angielskiego?
7. Kto jest twoim przyjacielem?
8. Jakiego koloru są twoja włosy?
9. Dlaczego nie chodzisz do szkoły?
10. Jaki jest twój ulubiony przedmiot?
11. Kiedy odrabiasz prace domową?
12. Ile lat ma twój brat?
13. Kto jest twoim ulubionym nauczycielem?
14. Jakich języków obcych uczysz się w szkole?
15. Jakie filmy lubisz?

Odpowiedź :

1. what time are you getting up?
2. where do you live?
3. how often are you going to the cinema?
4. whom is your mum?
5. where does your grandmother live?
6. how much English textbook does cost?
7. who is your friend?
8. of what colour are your hair?
9. why aren't you going to school?
10. what your favourite subject is?
11. when are you doing homework?
12. how many years does your brother have?
13. who is your favourite teacher?
14. what foreign languages are you learning at school?
15. what films do you like?
What time are you get up?
Where are you live?
How often are you go to cinema?
Who is you mother?
Where does live your grandmother?
How much is English book?
Who is your friend?
What color is you hair?
Why do don't go to school?
What is your favourite subject?
When are you do homework?
How old is your brother?
Who is your favourite teacher?
What foreign languages are you learn at school?
What films are you like?
1. what time are you getting up?
2. where do you live?
3. how often are you going to the cinema?
4. whom is your mum?
5. where does your grandmother live?
6. how much English textbook does cost?
7. who is your friend?
8. of what colour are your hair?
9. why aren't you going to school?
10. what your favourite subject is?
11. when are you doing homework?
12. how many years does your brother have?
13. who is your favourite teacher?
14. what foreign languages are you learning at school?
15. what films do you like? ;))