pocztówka:niedawno przeprowadziłes sie z rodzicami do nowego mieszkania.napisz pocztówke do kolezanki z angli.
-napisz w ktorej czesci miasta polozone jest mieszkanie
-okresl jak duze jest mieszkanie
-zaznacz czy jestes zadowolona z urzadzenia swego pokoju
-zapros kolezanke na wakacje

Odpowiedź :

Dear Angie,
How are you? As you probably know I have recently moved to a new flat. The flat is situated in the city centre so now I don't have to go to school by bus. I walk to my school and it takes me only ten minutes!
The flat is much bigger than our old one. Finally, I have a separate room and I don't have to share it with my younger sister. Everyone in my family has their own room. We have a big kitchen and a great bathroom. I decorated and furnished my romm myself so it looks really great. I think you should see it.
I have a great idea, why don't you come to my new flat on holiday? My room is so big that I can put an extra bed into it. It would be great!
Think about it and write to me as soon as you can.