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Gdy Stev wyszedł z samochodu szedł w stronę, gdzie coś leżało na drodze .Kiedy był już na miejscu zobaczył człowieka, który został przez kogoś potrącony , leżący martwo . Wtedy z lasu szybko wybiegli męzczyzni z broniami , okazało się że to bandyci , bohater miał już prawie łzy w oczach . Już był pewny że to jego koniec . Bandyci zażądali od niego pięniedzy , ale okazało się że Stev nie miał ani grosza . Wtedy wzieli go za ręce i nogi nie dając mu żadnej szansy ucieczki i włożyli go do bagażnika . Bohater gdy był w bagażniku już tylko myślał co z nim dalej będzie , czy ma jeszcze szanse na dalsze życie , z każdą sekundą był coraz bardziej zdenerwowany . Gdy samochód się zatrzymał , wzięli go wtedy za ręce i szli w stronę opuszczonego domu w lesie .Weszli do środka wzieli sznurek i związali do krzesła . Wtedy przestępcy musieli na chwile wyjechać , kazali mu się nigdzie nie ruszać .Stev zabrał się szybko do roboty i myślał jak stąd uciec , zobaczył szuflade, a w niej nóz i bardzo się ucieszył .Następnie wziął przeciął line i jak najszybciej uciekł z domu . Wlazł do Auta i kierował się w strone miasta i zobaczył komende policji , więc do niej wszedł . Wszystko omówił z dokładnością jak to było , jak byli ubraniu i jak wyglądlali. I powiedzial im gdzie się znajduje ten , dom co go tam zamkneli . Wtedy policjanci szybko ruszyli w stronę domu . Przeczekali chwile i gdy bandyci się pokazali,weszli do domu .Policjanci tam się i nakazali im dać ręce do góry . Gdy bandyci ich zobaczyli , pozostało im nic innego jak się podać i tak też uczynili .Stev zobaczył ich już ubranych w kajdanki , był spokojny . Bohater podziękował policjantąm i wyszedł .

Odpowiedź :

Stev when he left the car went in the direction where something was lying on the road.When he was on the spot saw a man who was hit by someone lying lifelessly. Then quickly ran out of the woods men with weapons, it appeared that the bandits, the hero had almost tears in his eyes. now he was sure that his end. Bandits demanded money from him, but it turned out that Steve did not have a penny.Then they took him by the arms and legs do not give him any chance of escape, and put it in the trunk. Hero when he was in the trunk is only what he thought of him will continue, or have a chance to continue life, with every second he was becoming increasingly nervous. When the car stopped, then took him by the hand and walked toward the abandoned house in the woods. They went inside they took string and tied to a chair. If the offender had to leave for a moment, told him not to move anywhere. Stev quickly began to work and think how to escape from here, saw the drawer, a knife in it and very pleased. Then he cut the line and as soon as he ran away from home. Climbed into the car and headed toward the city and saw the police command, so it went. Everything discussed with precision what it was like they were dressed and how they looks. And told them where he was the one house there as it closed. Then the police moved quickly toward the house. Waited a moment, and when the robbers showed up, went into the house. The policemen there and ordering them to give up arms. When the bandits saw them, left them with nothing else to give, and so they did. Stev saw them already wearing handcuffs, was calm. Hero thanked the policeman and walked out.
Stev when he left the car went in the direction where something was lying on the road. When he was on the spot saw a man who was hit by someone lying dead. Then quickly ran out of the woods men with weapons, it appeared that the bandits, the hero had almost tears in his eyes. Was already sure that this was his end. Bandits demanded money from him, but it turned out that Steve did not have a penny. Then they took him by the arms and legs do not give him any chance of escape, and put it in the trunk. Hero when he was in the trunk is only what he thought of him will continue, or have a chance to continue life, with every second he was becoming increasingly nervous. When the car stopped, then took him by the hand and walked toward the
abandoned house in the woods. They went inside they took string and tied to a chair. If the offender had to leave for a moment, told him not to move anywhere. Stev quickly began to work and think how to escape from here, saw the drawer, a knife in it and very pleased. Then he crossed the line and as soon as he ran away from home. Climbed into the car and headed toward the city and saw the police command, so it went. Everything discussed with precision what it was like they were dressed and how wyglądlali. I told them where he was the one house there as it closed. Then the police moved quickly toward the house. Waited a moment, and when the robbers showed up, went into the house. The policemen there and ordering them to give up arms. When the bandits saw them, left them with nothing else to give, and so they did. Stev saw them already wearing handcuffs, was calm. Hero thanked the policeman and walked out.

Stev when he left the car went in the direction where something was lying on the road. When he was on the spot saw a man who was hit by someone lying dead. Then quickly ran out of the woods men with weapons, it appeared that the bandits, the hero had almost tears in his eyes. Was already sure that this was his end. Bandits demanded money from him, but it turned out that Steve did not have a penny. Then they took him by the arms and legs do not give him any chance of escape, and put it in the trunk. Hero when he was in the trunk is only what he thought of him will continue, or have a chance to continue life, with every second he was becoming increasingly nervous. When the car stopped, then took him by the hand and walked toward the
abandoned house in the woods. They went inside they took string and tied to a chair. If the offender had to leave for a moment, told him not to move anywhere. Stev quickly began to work and think how to escape from here, saw the drawer, a knife in it and very pleased. Then he crossed the line and as soon as he ran away from home. Climbed into the car and headed toward the city and saw the police command, so it went. Everything discussed with precision what it was like they were dressed and how wyglądlali. I told them where he was the one house there as it closed. Then the police moved quickly toward the house. Waited a moment, and when the robbers showed up, went into the house. The policemen there and ordering them to give up arms. When the bandits saw them, left them with nothing else to give, and so they did. Stev saw them already wearing handcuffs, was calm. Hero thanked the policeman and walked out.