w miejsce tych rzeczy w nawiasie wpisac po angielsku w odpowiedniej formie.
1) What (robiłeś) when I (zadzwoniłem) ?
2)(Ile) it (kosztowało) ?
3)It (padało) last night.
4)The boss (czytał) letters while his secretary (pisała na maszynie).
5)It (padało) all night.
6)The old woman (upadła) while she (przechodziła przez ulicę).
7)( Z kim) you (tańczyłeś) all night ?
8)What (jadłeś) for breakfast yesterday morning ?
9)Who (ugotował) the delicious dinner yesterday ?
10)Who (grał) the piano at 11 p.m ?
11)When you last (rozmawiałeś) to your father ?
12)(Czego) he (słuchał) fron 9:30 to 11:30 am ?
13)It (kosztowało) 120 dollars last year.
14)He (leżał) in bed all the morning.

(presten simple vs past continius. )

Odpowiedź :

1) do you do ; rang
2) How much ; cost
3) rain
4) read ;
5) rain
7) who; danced
8) ate
9) cooked
10) played
11) talked
12) What ; listen
13) cost
14) laid
What are you doing when I call?
How much it cost?
It's reaining last night.
The boss is reading letters whi;e hs secretary writing on machine.
It's reaining all night.
The old woman fall while she walking down the street.
With who you dance all night?
What are you eating for breakfast yasterday morning?
Who cook the delicious dinner yasterday?
Who plays the piano at 11 p.m?
When you last talking to your father?
What he listen from...
It cost 120 dollars...
He's stay in bed...
1) What were you doing when I phone ?
2) How much it cost ?
3) It was raining last night.
4)The boss was reading letters while his secretary writes on typewriter.
5)It was raining all night.
6)The old woman fall while she was walking across the street.
7)Who were you dancing all night with?
8)What were you eating for breakfast yesterday morning ?
9)Who was cooking the delicious dinner yesterday ?
10)Who was playing the piano at 11 p.m ?
11)When you last were talking to your father ?
12)What he was listening fron 9:30 to 11:30 am ?
13)It costs 120 dollars last year.
14)He was lieing in bed all the morning.