
Przeczytaj przykładowy opis dyscypliny sportowej. Opisz trzy inne, używając pełnych zdań. Napisz gdzie uprawia się dany sport, jaki sprzęt jest potrzebny i co noszą zawodnicy.

przykład: You play football on a football pitch. You need goalposts and a net. The players wear football boots, shorts and a top.

z góry thx

Odpowiedź :


You are sking in a special places in moutains. You're wear special boots and skis. You're moving from a top a moutain to down of moutain.

Beach vollyboll

You play beach vollyball on a beach. You need comfort shorts and T-shirt. You need to past the ball to the other site.


You can swim in a swimming pool. You have to wear special shorts. You need to swim as fast you can from a
shore to the other shore.
You play hokey on ice.You need a lot of players with goalkeeper and black of disc and dwo gates.The players wear warm clothes,fat trousers and ice-skates.

You play volleyball on volleyball court
You need a lot of players and Judge which control your game.
Players wear sport shorts, t-shirt and armband.

you fight on area with your opponent.You wear t-shirt and sport short and shoes.