przetłumacz zdania.
1.padało kiedy się obudziłam
2.oni czytali czasopismo kiedy przyszliśmy
3.Czekaliśmy na autobus kiedy zdarzył się wypadek
4.Słońce świeciło przez cały ranek
5.Kiedy zwiedzaliśmy fabrykę dowiedzieliśmy się wielu ciekawych rzeczy

Odpowiedź :

1.It was raining when I Waked up.
2.They were reading newspapers when we come.
3.We were waiting for a bus when crash happened .
4.The sun was shining for all morning.
1.It was raining when I waked up.
2.They were reading a magazine when we came.
3.We were waiting for a bus when the accident happened
4.The sun was shining for all morning.
5. When we were sighseeing the factory, we found out a lot of interesting things.
1.It fell when I have awoken
2.They read magazine when we have come
3.We waited for bus when case (chance) has happened
4.Sun shone by whole sore < at daybreak > < morning >
5.When many curious things tour factory inform