
Ustal jaki to czas (present simple czy present continuous) i przetłumacz na język angielski
1.On teraz idzie na plaże.
2.Co ty robisz zazwuczaj w wolnym czasie?
3.Wyjeżdżam z Angli za dwa tygodnie.
4.Słucham teraz muzyki.
5.Zawsze w weekendy chodzę z przyjaciółmi do kina.
6.Czy twoja mama często sprząta?
7.Czy wy odwiedzacie ich każdego tygodnia?
8.On nigdy nie robi zdjęć.
9.Czy adam używa teraz twojego komputera?
10.Hannah je zazwyczaj zdrową żywność ale teraz je dużą tabliczkę czekolady.
11.On zawsze jeździ do szkoły autobusem ale dziś jedzie samochodem.
12.Mark jest teraz w sklepie. On poszukuje nowych adidasów.
13.Oni nie zawsze wygrywają każdy mecz lecz teraz przegrywają.

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z góry bardzo dziękuje

Odpowiedź :

1. Now he (it) goes on beaches.
2. Usually you make that in leisure
3. I leave from england on fortnight.
4. Now i listen to music.
5. I walk to weekends with friends for cinema (movies) always.
6. Do your mum clear often?
7. Do you visit them each weeks ?
8. Never it makes he (it) photos.
9. Do it use adam your computer now?
10. Usually healthy food eats Hannah but now big table of chocolate it (them) < eat >.
11. He (it) commutes for school always bus but it ride today car.
12. Now mark is in store. It searchs for he (its; his; it) new adidas (tennis shoes).
13. They do not win they each match always but now they play through.
1.He walking in the beach.
4.I listening to music
5.Always week i walk in the city with my friends
6.What you mum often clean.?
7.What we
8.He never makes photo.
10.Hannah eats often healfy foods.
11.He always drives in the school bus but today he drives a car.
12.Mark is in the shop. He [poszukuje] new adidas.
12.They always win a [mecz] but today they lose.

Pozostałych nie wiem ; [
1. Now he going on the beach. (Present Continous)
2. What are you usually doing in a free time ? (Present continous)
3. I am leaving around anglii in two weeks. (Present Conitinous)
4. Now I listening music. (Present Conitous)
5. Always at weekends I go with my friends to the cinema. (Present Simple)
6. Does your mum often clean ? (Present Simple)
7. Do you visit them every weekend ? (Present Simple)
8. He never does photo. (Present Simple)
9. Is Adam usiing at the moment your computer? (Present Continous)
10. Hannah usually eat health food, but now she eating big choccholate. (present simple, countionus)
11. He always to go by bus, but today he going car. (Present simple, continous)
12. At the moment Mark is in the shop. He seeking new trainers. (present continous)
13. They not always win every match but now they are losing. ( present simple, countionous)

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