Przebywasz na dwumiesięcznym wakacyjnym kursie językowym w Londynie. Mieszkasz u brytyjskiej rodziny, ale nie jestes zadowolona. Nie masz dobrego kontaktu z dziećmi gospodarzy i nie podoba Ci sie tryb życia rodziny. Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Austrii, w którym:

*podziękujesz koledze/koleżance za przesłane zdjecia
*przedstawisz krótko członków rodziny u ktorej mieszkasz
*opiszesz jak wyglada typowy dzień tej rodziny
*wyjaśnisz, jak układaja sie twoje kontakty z ta rodziną i jak sie w związku z tym czujesz

(ilość słow od 120-150)

Odpowiedź :

Dear Teresa,
I'm writing to thank you for the photographs you sent me. I can see that you had a great time during holidays and hour brother is so handsome!
As you already know I am staying with an English family in London. I've been here for two weeks now and I got to know the family quite well. It is an older couple who is retired and they have two daughters. The younger one is still stydying at a university and the other doesn't work and sits at home all day. She can be thirty-five or so. A typical day in this family makes me annoyed! They sleep till noon so I eat breakfast alone because I have to be at school at 8 in the morning. When I come back home around twelve I "accidentally" wake them up. We have dinner in the evening and I am usually very hungry till that time. They go to bed at two or three a.m. and watch TV very loudly. That makes me real mad because I never get enough sleep.
I must tell you that I don't feel very well here and I would like to change the family. But how can I do it without offending anyone?
I hope that you can give me some advice.
Best wishes,