Potrzebuje przetłumaczyć na angielski, opis domu.

Mój dom jest duży. Mam też piękny ogród i plac zabaw. Znajdują się w nim 3 łazienki, 2 pokoje gościnne, 6 zwykłych pokoi oraz kuchnia.
Mam również swój własny pokój, który jest dość duży. Z prawej strony od drzwi znajduje się biurko. Nad biurkiem wisi mała tablica, obok stoi szafka na książki i duża szafa na ubrania, przy oknie znajduje się łóżko, a z lewej strony łóżka jest mała szafka nocna. Cały pokój pomalowany jest na żółto, a na podłodze są panele.

Odpowiedź :

My house is big. I also have a beautiful garden and playground. There are 3 bathrooms, 2 guest rooms, 6 rooms and common kitchen. I also have your own room, which is quite large. On the right side of the door is a desk. Above his desk hangs a small table, next to standing cabinet for books and a large wardrobe, by the window there is a bed, on the left side of the bed is a small side table. The entire room is painted in yellow, and the panels are on the floor.
My house is big. I also have a beautiful garden and playground. There are 3 bathrooms, 2 guest rooms, 6 rooms and common kitchen.
I also have your own room, which is quite large. On the right side of the door is a desk. Above his desk hangs a small table, next to standing cabinet for books and a large wardrobe, by the window there is a bed, on the left side of the bed is a small side table. The entire room is painted in yellow, and the panels are on the floor.

NIektóre wyrazy mam ze słownika , . ;d;d /,.
My house is big. I have a beautiful garden and playground too. There are 3 bathrooms, 2 guest rooms, 6 rooms and common kitchen.
I have my individual room, which is quite large. On the right side of the door is a desk. Above the desk hangs a small board, near the desk is standing a Bookshelf and a large wardrobe, by the window is a bed, on the left side of the bed is a small cabinet. The entire room is painted in yellow, and the panels are on the floor.