muszenapisa 20 zdan po angielsku o wielkanocy

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Easter at my home is: sowing cuckoo-flower, painting/dying easter eggs, sending easter postcards.
We keep Easter traditions continuing and symbols of Easter are: basket - full of blessed food, like bread, sausage, cottage cheese, eggs, horse-radish, there are also easter eggs, easter/paschal lamb, willow aglets. Every year, my whole family makes preparations for Easter - we paint/dye eggs, bake cakes and prepare Easter breakfast together.
Sunday is the first day of Easter. In the early morning we go to the church, for a ressurection. After coming home, the whole family celebrates Easter breakfast, which starts from wishing all the best - to each person and share blessed food with them.
On the table, there are eggs, meat and easter cakes. Table is decorated with bouquets of aglets.
Monday is the second day of Easter. Old Polish tradition is putting members of the family and friends.
Wielkanoc to jedno z najważniejszych świąt chrześcijańskich upamiętniających śmierć i zmartwychwstanie Jezusa Chrystusa. Obchodzone jest w pierwszą niedzielę po pierwszej wiosennej pełni. Najbardziej znane symbole Wielkanocne to oczywiście jajka, cukrowy baranek i zajączek, rzeżucha.Wielkanoc to prawdopodobnie święta, z którymi związana jest największa ilość zwyczajów i tradycji. Jest to malowanie i święcenie jajek, dzielenie się jajkiem, śniadanie wielkanocne, śmigus-dyngus, wieszanie Judasza itp. Jako, że Święta Wielkiejnocy są świętami wesołymi oraz kończą Wielki Post na stołach dominuje przepych. Jemy wszelkiego rodzaju mięsa, wędliny i ciasta - baby, mazurki, makowce, faszerowane jajka itp. Kuchnia staropolska obfituje w wykwintne potrawy takie jak: żur wielkanocny, barszcz, kaczka faszerowana, sałatki itp. Głównym symbolem wielkanocnym, bez którego nie mogą obejść się te święta i nie może zabraknąć go na stole wielkanocnym jest oczywiście jajko.

An Easter is one of the most important Christian holidays commemorating the death and rising from the dead of the Jesus of the Christ. It is being get around on first Sunday after the first spring height. The most well-known Easter symbols are of course eggs, a sugar lamb and a little hare, cress. an Easter is probably holidays with which the bulk of customs and the tradition is connected. This painting and blessing eggs are, performing the Easter morning ritual of exchanging good wishes while sharing a hard-boiled egg blessed in church the day before, Easter breakfast, Easter Monday custom of dousing young women with water, hanging the Judas itp. Since Holidays of the Easter are pleasant holidays as well as they are finishing the Lent on tables a splendour is dominating. We are eating meats of all kinds, cold cooked meats and cakes - women, mazureks, poppy-seed cakes, stuffed eggs itp. The Old Polish cooking is full of refined dishes so as: Easter soup made from fermented rye flour, borscht, stuffed duck, salads itp. With main Easter symbol which these holidays cannot do without and not perhaps it to be missing on the table of course an egg is Easter.