Odpowiedź :
Polish people are drunkard - they drink too much alkohol. They're also thieves! They steals everything what they see. They are always sad and glommy. They've bad opinion in Europe (everybody think they're complaining a lot!)
English people are quite reserved for strangers. They like football a lot! They also drink a lot of tea. They're so tolerant and cheerfull! They're well-mannered but they speak too fast!
Americans are fat ,because they often eat junk food. They are very patriotic and cheerfull. They've got distance to themselves. They're very self-confidence. They're easy-going.
Polish people are drunkard - they drink too much alkohol. They're also thieves! They steals everything what they see. They are always sad and glommy. They've bad opinion in Europe (everybody think they're complaining a lot!)
English people are quite reserved for strangers. They like football a lot! They also drink a lot of tea. They're so tolerant and cheerfull! They're well-mannered but they speak too fast!
Americans are fat ,because they often eat junk food. They are very patriotic and cheerfull. They've got distance to themselves. They're very self-confidence. They're easy-going.
Polish people
Stereotype of a Polish people in the eyes of other nations:
Polish people knows no foreign languages.
Polish people is always complaining.
Polish people is a racist is not fond of people with foreign origin.
Polish people is a criminal.
Stereotyp polaka w oczach innych narodów:
Polak nie zna żadnych języków obcych.
Polak zawsze narzeka.
Polak to rasista nie lubiący ludzi z obcym pochodzeniem.
Polak to przestępca.
Polak to alkoholik.
Englishman work exclusively in the City. Specifically, there is the accountant.
The Englishman drinks tea daily.
Englishman enters the pub, where drinks a beer and discuss with other accountants in suits.
The day the Englishman is always the same.
The Englishman says vaguely.
Anglik pracuje wyłącznie w City. Konkretnie jest tam księgowym.
Anglik codziennie wypija herbatę.
Anglik wpada do pubu, gdzie wypija ciepłe .piwo i dyskutuje z innymi księgowymi w garniturach.
Dzień Anglika jest zawsze taki sam.
Anglik mówi niewyraźnie.
Amerykanin to hybryda - z jednej strony panicznie boi się tłuszczu i je tylko ekologiczne jedzenie, z drugiej strony, waży przeciętnie 160 kilogramów.
Przy wejściu do typowej amerykańskiej szkoły stoi bramka do wykrywania metali
Amerykanin mieszka w domku na przedmieściach, ma własny ogródek, podjazd, garaż, żonę oraz dwójkę dzieci z problemami.
amerykańska młodzież jest najgłupsza na świecie
American is a hybrid - with one hand, terrified of fat and he eat only organic food, on the other hand, weighs an average of 160 kilograms.
At the entrance to a typical American school is to detect metal
American lives in a house in the suburbs, has its own garden, driveway, garage, wife and two children with problems.
American youngs is the stupidest in the world