
Przetłumacz na angielski:)potrzebne na juzz://

1,Na fotografii widzimy trzech piłkarzy i jednego bramkarza.
Na pierwszym planie jeden z piłkarzy strzela gola.Bramkarz chce obronić bramkę lecz widzimy ze nie zdoła obronić.Z lewej strony widzimy Dwóch piłkarzy którzy biegną z przerażeniem wiedząc już ze będzie gol ale chcą spróbować jeszcze bronic bramkę .Na drugim planie widzimy tłumy kibicujących ludzi którzy cieszą się już z gola.Piłkarze maja krótkie spodenki i koszulki z krótkim rękawkiem.

2,Na fotografii widzimy 3 ludzi 1 kobietę i 2 mężczyzn.Na pierwszym planie po prawej stronie widzimy czeszczyznę który siedzi mężczyzna jest białej karnacji. trzyma on w prawej reccy filiżankę z kawa natomiast w drugiej reccy trzyma gazetę.Z lewej strony widzimy kobietę która siedzi i prawdopodobnie coś drugim planie jest trzeci mężczyzna który oparty o szybkę spogląda na komputer i trzyma on lewej reccy filiżankę z kawa.Te osoby są prawdopodobnie w jakimś biurze.

Odpowiedź :

1, The photograph, we see three players and one goalkeeper.
In the foreground is one of the players shoots a goal. Goalie wants to defend the goal but we will be able to defend himself. On the left side we see two players who have run in terror, knowing already the goal but will still want to try to defend the goal. In the background we see the crowds of those supporting the people who already have a goal. May players shorts and shirts with short sleeves.

2, On the photo we see 3 men 1 woman and 2 men. In the foreground on the right side we see a man who sits a white-skinned man. he holds the right reccy cup of coffee while the other holds the hands of the newspaper. On the left side we see a woman who is seated, and probably said something. the second plan is the third man who, based on quick glances at the computer and keeps it left reccy cup of coffee. These people are likely to be in some office.

1.We see three soccer players photo .Na and one goalkeeper. One of soccer player shoots want to defend on foreground goal but goal will be with horror from see manage left part see two soccer player which run knowing already .Z but they want to try crowd with already else goal second plan see supporting people which be glad may short and t-shirts with short short sleeve.

2.We see people on photo 3,1 woman and is after right part 2 white complexion foreground see which (who) sit man mężczyzn.Na czeszczyznę. However, he in right with in second coffee hold cup hold left part see woman which sit reccy reccy .Z and probably, < credible > something is based < base (resist) > peer about at computer second (other) plan third man which and probably, < credible > he holds cup be with in some office left person reccy.

1 On the photo we see three players and one goalkeeper. In the foreground is one of the players shot goals.Goaile wants to defend the goal but we will be able to see defend.Z left two players who have run in terror, knowing already the goal but will still want to try to defend the goal . In the background we see the crowds of those supporting the people who already enjoy goals.Players May shorts and shirts with short sleeves

2,On the photo we see 3 men 1 woman and 2 Men.At the foreground on the right side we see a man who sits Man a white complexion. he holds the right reccy cup of coffee while the other holds reccy left newspaper.Z see a woman who is seated, and probably something write.At second plan is the third man who, based on quick glances at the computer and keeps it left reccy cup coffee.Te people are likely to be in some office.