
Przetłumacz poniższe zdania oraz napisz pytania i odpowiedzi:
1.Ona była w kinie trzy miesiące temu.
2.Ja pływałam w morzu w ostatnie lato.
3.Moja siostra odwiedziła muzeum w zeszły piątek.
4.Widzialam mojego przyjaciela wczoraj.
5.Oni mieli 10 lat w 1996.

Odpowiedź :

She was in cinema three years ago.
I swimmed in sea to last summer
My sister has visited museum last Friday.
Yesterday I saw my friend.
They ahd ten year to 1996.
1. She was in the cinema three months ago.
Where was she three months ago?
She wasn't in the cinema three months ago.
2.I was swimming in the sea last summer.
What were you doing last summer?
I wasn't swimming in the sea last summer
3.My sister visited museum last Friday.
What did she visit last Friday?
My sister didn't visit museum last friday.
4. I saw my friend yesterday.
When did you see your friend?
I didn't see my friend yesterday
5. In 1996 they were ten.
How old were they in 1996?
In 1996 they weren't ten.
1.She was in cinema 3 monts ago.
2.I swam in the see last summer.
3.My sister visited muzeum in friday.
4.i saw my friends yestarday.
5.they had 10 years in 1996.